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红领巾采访 | Revere Clinics创始人及整容医生Dr. Sach Mohan






英国最有名的整容一条街位于伦敦市中心的Harley Street,从Oxford Circus步行只需要5分钟。如果你对整容感兴趣,稍微去Google搜一下,就会了解这条街在世界整容届的知名度,绝对不比韩国差,甚至还更高,有很多知名的整容医生。这家据说是Harley Street上中国人光顾最多的整容医院,主攻微整容。诊所的两位医生Dr. Sach Mohan和Dr. Sabika Karim刚刚捧得2019年的微整安全性钻石奖项—— Safety in Beauty Diamond Award Winners for Aesthetic Doctor of the Year,这个奖项是专为美容整形行业中追求极致专业性和安全性的医生设置的,今年花落RC,可以说是这家实力派整容诊所的又一佐证了。

颁奖典礼上的Dr. Sach Mohan和Dr. Sabika Karim


我们专程去采访了伦敦Harley Street100号Revere Clinics的创始人及整容医生Dr. Sach Mohan,如果你想了解Revere Clinics为什么会受中国人喜欢,什么整容项目是中国人最常做的,各位亲们重点在下面,要继续看哦!





Dr. Sach,为什么你是英国最受中国人喜欢的整容医生?


“Number one, it’s been an absolute honour to be the favorite amongst the Chinese community here in the UK. I think it’s because I’m only as good as my last treatment. The one thing I’ve been relying on is the Chinese word of mouth and it’s a very strong community that you have here in the UK. Although nobody wants to discuss the treatments they have had done, when it exceeds your expectations, you can’t hide that smile and you can’t help but share that with your friends and family. For me, that’s been key reason why we become so popular, it’s because the quality of our work, has exceeded our patients expectations.”







“The key difference with Revere is we’re not here to make you different, we here to make you look the best possible version of you. The changes we make to people’s faces and ultimately their lives come from the fact that we are subtle, we don’t like creating artificial faces as most people don’t want others to know what treatments they’ve had done. I think for me in particular it’s an appreciation of what the Chinese community likes and what the trends are as well, what most Chinese would like their ideal face to be like. I keep abreast of the Chinese celebrities and the celebrity culture. ”



“I’ve seen examples of good work that’s been done and also reversed a lot of bad work, work which has been done in main land China particularly. I have a wealth of experience on Chinese patients as I’ve treated thousands. Most people see me as a doctor but my main job is as a sculptor, an artist. As China becomes more and more exposed to western fashion and beauty, there is a natural gravity to want to look and have a slightly more western look, I am in the best person to deliver that.”







“If we take a generalised look at the Chinese face they are a mostly round, the key treatments that I’m doing are primarily to take the face to a more inverted triangle, that desired v shape, and to add more definition, giving a less rounded look, so whether that’s a slightly sharper nose (filler in the nose, chin), or whether that’s a slightly sharper jaw line (Botox in the jaw), they all treatments which help achieve that.These procedures also have a lasting effect on the face, Botox is normally visible for 3-4 months, while fillers can last anything between 6 and 15 months.”


如果我们来看一下中国人的脸型,主要是圆脸居多,所以我做的最主要的整容就是把脸变成V型脸,增加轮廓感。比如打针填高鼻子和脸颊,在咬肌打瘦脸针等等,都可以修饰脸型,让脸不那么圆。这些手术过程都会持续作用较长的时间,肉毒杆菌 一般有效长达3至4个月,填充则可以持续6至15个月不等。






“The one thing I enjoy about the Chinese is the love and respect that they have for other people. The number of times I ‘ve been honoured by patients insisting on having their photographs taken with me so they can send to their parents. I have had one incident, a patient that was a student here brought her parents from China just to meet me because they were so please the work that I did, I then went on to treat rest of the family. The good thing about us is that we don’t do surgery so when the parents are in town or tourists are in town they can just pop in, we generally like to see all our new patients within a week of them making an appointment, if they don’t speak English it’s ok we have pool of our existing patients more than happy to interpret for us.”





更多关于Revere Clinics的信息



Revere Clinics于2011年成立,一共有两间诊所,在Harley Street 100号的诊所主攻微整形,另外一间在北伦敦Northwood(HA6 2NP)可以做整形手术。如果大家想详细了解他们提供的全部服务,可以点击这里,微整形的价位非常大众,比如打玻尿酸垫(Dermal Filler)鼻子,打肉毒杆菌(Botox)都只需要200镑至400镑左右,Revere特别受欢迎还有另外一个原因就是这里不是按针收费,而是按一次收费,这点跟国内很不同,注意这些针都不是permenant的,定期是要回去再打的。另外他们还有一种超级神奇可以让脂肪消失的溶脂针,并不是用于减肥目的而是塑身,如果你只有小肚子上有肉肉,怎么减都减不掉,不用开刀,就可以和脂肪说再见,感兴趣的话点击这里了解Coolsculpting。


0203 468 2824
Oxford Circus, Regents Park
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